Two Healthy Turmeric Recipes

Turmeric is a popular spice, a fabric dye, and a health supplement. Research has shown that for some people with inflammatory conditions, it can be especially valuable. So how can you work it into your diet more? You can take turmeric in capsule form or add it to dishes you eat daily. You can also…

Prepdeck Review, Kickstarter Kitchen Gear

A few months ago (after a very long wait) my Prepdeck arrived. My husband ordered it during their Kickstarter campaign and after using it for a while now, it seemed like time to do a review.   The system is meant to be an all-in-one kitchen prep station with a cutting board, a garbage containment…

Healthy, but Indulgent Sweet Potato Hash + toppings

Brunch is already a rather indulgent meal. It says that you have the time to linger over an early meal, having a bigger or more intricate style of food than you might normally. That’s why most of us save brunch for the weekend. We aren’t grabbing a granola bar or a smoothie on our way…

Oat and Herb Whole Wheat Loaf

I was recently inspired by this recipe from The Charmed Kitchen and made my own version with a few small adjustments. Here’s my walkthrough of the recipe. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 tsp salt 1/2 packet of dry active yeast 1/8 cup almond milk 3/4 cup water 2 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp…

Basic Bibimbap (Korean Rice Bowl) Techniques

A great way to use tons and tons of veggies in your fridge is to make a classic Korean rice bowl: bibimbap. The back bone of many of these Korean veggie dishes is using what you have on hand. There are a couple of commonly used items that you will see in bibimbap and some…

Baking Bread is Easier than You Thought

At the end of 2018 I had a brief Celiac scare. Fortunately blood test have come back without Celiac markers, so I can breath a little easier. My doctor has theorized, however, that the source of my recent digestive issues is a sensitivity or allergy to some common food additives and preservatives. It’s hard to…

Dead-Simple Berry French Toast

You want to make something that looks and tastes amazing for Sunday brunch, but maybe you aren’t exactly a morning person. I know this struggle. French toast blends gourmet sensibility with basic kitchen skills and has infinite varieties. This version here is intended to give you the biggest impact for your efforts. It’s also low in added…

Autumn Spiced Plum Sauce

I love turning end-of-summer produce into delicious preserved goodness. Whether it’s pickling, freezing, or canning it’s a ritual that makes me feel a little less digital and a little more analog. This summer, most of my garden was devoured by deer so I had to turn to the farmer’s market for treats. Last weekend I…

Salted Dark Chocolate Muffins with Whole Wheat and Greek Yogurt

Sometimes I read recipes and I think to myself, “Does every food blogger just assume that we all have KitchenAid mixers?” Because that wedding present never arrived, you know? And while a mixer can save you time and hassle, it is possible to make baked good without it. So I’ve been experimenting with baking sans…

Vegetarian Miso Ramen on a weeknight

Ramen is so comforting and delicious. It’s got a great hearty blend of flavors, but usually it’s got quite a bit of meat involved. The broth usually involves a meat stock and the toppings classically include chashu (sliced braised pork belly). However, there are plenty of options if you don’t eat meat or are just…