Oat and Herb Whole Wheat Loaf

I was recently inspired by this recipe from The Charmed Kitchen and made my own version with a few small adjustments. Here’s my walkthrough of the recipe. Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups whole wheat flour 2 tsp salt 1/2 packet of dry active yeast 1/8 cup almond milk 3/4 cup water 2 Tbsp butter 2 Tbsp…

Baking Bread is Easier than You Thought

At the end of 2018 I had a brief Celiac scare. Fortunately blood test have come back without Celiac markers, so I can breath a little easier. My doctor has theorized, however, that the source of my recent digestive issues is a sensitivity or allergy to some common food additives and preservatives. It’s hard to…

Getting Cozy for the Cold (surviving winter)

SAD (seasonal affective disorder) effects an estimated 3 million people in the United States each year. I’m guessing that number mainly finds its home in the northern regions that are most effected by the reduced sunlight. Thanks to the ridiculous concept of “daylight savings” our sunlight is even more greatly reduced now that it’s November….

Autumn Spiced Plum Sauce

I love turning end-of-summer produce into delicious preserved goodness. Whether it’s pickling, freezing, or canning it’s a ritual that makes me feel a little less digital and a little more analog. This summer, most of my garden was devoured by deer so I had to turn to the farmer’s market for treats. Last weekend I…

Salted Dark Chocolate Muffins with Whole Wheat and Greek Yogurt

Sometimes I read recipes and I think to myself, “Does every food blogger just assume that we all have KitchenAid mixers?” Because that wedding present never arrived, you know? And while a mixer can save you time and hassle, it is possible to make baked good without it. So I’ve been experimenting with baking sans…

I’m an adult who can host a dinner party

Since we moved into our new place a couple months back I’ve been trying to have a couple of friends over. Snow and busy schedules have made this pretty difficult, but it finally happened! I realized in the process of preparing for this that I haven’t had a proper dinner party… ever. I’ve had friends…

You need Frittata or, a meal made of every leftover in the fridge

You want to eat well and give at least the appearance of a responsible adult. Eating take out and frozen meals every night doesn’t tick either of those boxes. At least once in a while, you should be able to make something yummy and relatively healthy. It’s a basic survival skill. If you do cook…